
Pannenkoeken met spek en kaas thuis

Dutch pancakes with bacon and cheese at home - Direct link to the recipe here After our recent trip to the Netherlands (and Belgium too; more to come on my adventures in both …


A Guide to the OV-Chipkaart

Hallo uit Nederland! I’m currently on a trip through the Netherlands and Belgium using nothing but public transit. In fact, …


Being Productive

The Debian project has a whole page of their wiki dedicated to ways to avoid breaking a Debian installation. One of those points …


Rendering Markdown in cgit on OpenBSD

Act 1: Background OpenBSD. Much of the software developed by the operating system’s developers is focussed on minimising …


Hello World

The blog now exists and is ready for me to publish. I plan to use this space to write reports on projects I’m working on or …

Now with RSS!